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Umpire Info

Interested in being an umpire?

New Jersey Sports Assigning Bureau is the company Somerville Baseball Inc uses to provide umpires for our home baseball and softball game.  You have a unique opportunity to continue your love of baseball and/or softball through officiating.  Soon, your child(ren) will graduate out of youth baseball/softball, what a great way to stay involved, enjoy a game you have followed for years and continue your involvement in your local/surrounding league.  No experience is necessary initially, but you will have to sign up and attend a several week introductory class (one night per week), taught at a local high school in your county of choice beginning in January.  Training, uniforms and equipment will cost about $350, but game fees typically range from $50-$60 a game, meaning you will make back your initial investment in no time.  Umpires of all ages (must be 18+) have used this “hobby” to supplement their income, continue their love for the game and gain valuable exercise during the Spring and Summer months. 

If this sounds like a journey that interests you, please reach out to Alex Skandalis at [email protected].  The number of youth sports officials has decreased annually for the last five years.  We would love to get you signed up and on the umpiring journey.


Minors & Majors:
All games are umpired by trained officials assigned to our games through the New Jersey Sports Assigning Bureau. Typically all games have one umpire.

All games are youth umpired by a junior umpire, usually a local high school student.

All games are coach/parent umpired.

Junior Umpires

The SBI Junior Umpire program is open to young adults age 15 and older. The Junior Umpires serve as our umpires for the Rookie division during the spring season.These are just some of the benefits of being a Junior Umpire for SBI:

  • Community service hours (2 hours per game)
  • Pay per game
  • Join the fun and be a part of the exciting group of young leaders in the community

Please contact us if you're interested in joining our program by writing us at [email protected].


Somerville Baseball Inc.
P.O. Box 1111 
Somerville, New Jersey 08876

Email: [email protected]

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